Q07: If I break or spill something, do I have to buy the whole kit again to replace it?
A: Of course not. All of the components of all of our kits can be purchased individually. Email us at admin (at) thehomescientist (dot) com and tell us which components you need to replace.
Q08: Can students share a kit?
A: Yes. For the best learning experience, we recommend that students work individually or in pairs, but three or four students can share one kit if necessary.
Q9: What is the shelf life of your kits?
A: If you use a kit for one student one year, there should be no problem using that same kit for another student the next year or the year following.
The chemicals and other consumables in our kits generally have shelf lives of two years or longer (in most cases, much longer) if stored unopened or carefully resealed in a cool, dark place. The Rhizobia culture, the carrot and lima bean seeds, and the yeast provided with the BK01 biology kit should remain usable for at least one year unopened. If you intend to reuse the BK01 biology kit for another student within two years, you can purchase replacements for the Rhizobia culture and the seeds at most lawn and garden stores (make sure the Rhizobia culture you purchase is compatible with lima beans), and yeast at any supermarket.
Q10: When I finish using one of your kits, how can I dispose of it safely?
A: If the kit is not completely used up, the best way to dispose of it is to give or sell it to another local homeschool family. (Do NOT ship the kit; unless you repackage the kit in accordance with all hazardous material shipping regulations, doing so may violate those regulations and get you into real trouble.)
Local hazardous material disposal laws and regulations vary greatly in different jurisdictions, so if you want to remain within the letter of the law you should contact your local authorities about proper disposal methods. In practical terms, the amounts of hazardous chemicals included in the kits are small enough that you can simply flush them down the drain with copious running water.
Q11: Do your kits include everything needed to complete the lab sessions?
A: No. They do include the specialized equipment and materials called for in the lab sessions, with the exception of expensive items like a microscope or prepared slide sets and some live specimens. You supply items commonly found around the house or readily-available locally, such as aluminum foil, scissors, soft drink bottles, paper towels, and so on. Each lab session includes a list of the required materials that are provided in the kit, and a second list of materials that you provide.
Other than household materials, the only special item required for any of the CK01A chemistry kit lab sessions is a digital multimeter (DMM), which is used in four of the lab sessions. If you intend to do any or all of those sessions, you can use any DMM. Suitable models are available locally at Radio Shack, Lowes, Home Depot, Harbor Freight, and many on-line vendors starting at $5 or $8.
A balance is required for one of the BK01 biology kit lab sessions, and desirable for several others. If you intend to do that lab session, you'll need a balance with at least decigram (0.1 gram) resolution, although a centigram (0.01 gram) balance is a better choice. Centigram balances with capacities of 100 to 200 grams are widely available on-line starting at around $35.
Two models we can recommend are the Jennings JS-200XV (~$40, with 0.01 g resolution and a 200 g capacity) and the American Weigh Scales SM-5DR (~$45, with 0.01 g resolution to 100 g and 0.1 g resolution to 500 g). Either is excellent for homeschool lab courses in biology, chemistry, and the other sciences.
Some of the lab sessions covered by the BK01 Biology Kit require live specimens or cultures, many of which can be gathered locally but some of which must be purchased if you intend to do the lab session that requires them. Many lab sessions call for prepared slides, which are not included in the kit. You can make many of those slides yourself at no cost, but some must be purchased. To minimize the number of prepared slides needed, the BK01 Biology Kit includes a supplemental DVD that provide high-resolution images of the microscope images in the text. These images can be viewed on any PC or tablet.